===== AiGIS2/PyAiGIS ===== AiGIS2/PyAiGIS is an our new project that aims to develop an interactive analysis and visualization environment for irregular-shaped small body exploration data on Jupiter Notebook with Python. As we introduced our preliminary achievements in the following meeting, * Nagayoshi and Hirata (2022) AiGIS2, a Jupyter Notebook-based Interactive Analysis and Visualization Tool for Asteroid Exploration Data, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, held in Chicago, IL, 12-16 December 2022, id.[[https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022AGUFM.P25F2187N/abstract|P25F-2187]]. * Nagayoshi and Hirata (2023) AiGIS2, Interactive, Versatile Analysis and Visualization Tool for Asteroid Exploration Data, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, P33F-3207. * Hirata and Nagayoshi (2024) AiGIS2/PyAiGIS, A Python-based Interactive Analysis And Visualization Tool For Asteroid Exploration Data, LPSC 55, #1877 * [[https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2024/pdf/1877.pdf|Abstract]] * [[https://arcspace.jp/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=aigis2:55thlpsc_pyaigis_20240311.2.pdf|Poster]] ===== GitHub project/repositories ===== * GitHub project: [[https://github.com/AiGIS-PyAiGIS/]] * Repository for ipynb samples: [[https://github.com/AiGIS-PyAiGIS/PyAiGIS-examples]] * Repository: [[https://github.com/AiGIS-PyAiGIS/PyAiGIS]] * Currently a README.md is only available. ===== Technologies ===== AiGIS2/PyAiGIS is developed with the following technologies: * [[https://vtk.org|VTK]] * [[https://docs.pyvista.org/version/stable/|PyVista]] * [[https://qtdocs.pyvista.org|PyVistaQt]] * [[https://pandas.pydata.org|Pandas]] * [[https://matplotlib.org|Matplotlib]] * [[https://numpy.org|Numpy]] * [[https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy| SpiceyPy]] * [[https://jupyter.org|Jupyter Notebook/Jupyter Lab]] ===== Screenshots ===== Examples of visualization of Itokawa shape and associated mapdata by AiGIS2/PyAiGIS. Multi-view visualization of Itokawa shape and associated mapdata. {{:aigis2:itokawa_pyvistaqt.png?400|}} 2D distribution plot of the surface slope and elevation of Itokawa mapdata by Matplotlib. {{:aigis2:Itokawa_SlopeVSElevation.png?400|}} Smooth terrain on Itokawa (regions where the slope is < 10 [deg] and the elevation is < -18 [m] are colored). {{:aigis2:Itokawa_PyVista_Selection.png?400|}} Slope distributions on Itokawa (slope directions and slopes are visualized with arrows). {{:aigis2:Itokawa_SlopeVectors.png?400|}} ===== Contact ===== Please send your questions and comments to Naru Hirata (naru@u-aizu.ac.jp) or our group mail address (arcspace@u-aizu.ac.jp). ===== Acknowledgements ===== AiGIS2/PyAiGIS is developed as a research project by students at the University of Aizu.\\ The project is/was supported by: * ARC-Space, the University of Aizu, Distinctive Joint Research Center supported by MEXT Grant Number JPMXP0619217839/JPMXP0622717003/JPMXP0723830458.