Table of Contents



AiGIS is a 3D GIS designed for analysis on exploration data of irregular-shaped small bodies. The shape of a target body is represented by a polygon model, and geographic information is associated with polygons of the model. AiGIS can visualize and manipulate the shape model and map data on it.


Latest release

Please contact us to obtain the source code.

Release note: 2023/11/17

Previous releases

Previous releases can be found here.

Sample data

These data are distributed as a sample. DO NOT use them in your actual scientific research projects. See below for a detailed description of the dataset for AiGIS.


Latitude-Longitude grid generator

How to use



Model manipulation

Work with Map data

User-defined LUTs

Work with Graph map data

Image and Map image mapping

Multi-view mode


Preferences on directories for data, saved images, and saved plot data can be set in the Setting Pane at “File>Settings…” Now you don't need to edit the AiGIS preference file (

Items in the Setting Pane

File menu

View menu

Multi-View menu

Image menu

MapData menu

Data format

Map data

Sample: Itokawa_elevation_64.txt

#Data Name (Appeared on the Map data list)
#Unit (or description)
#The Number of Polygons
#Polygon_ID Value (Tab and Space is allowed as delimiter)
1   -3.451888084411621
#Continue for all polygones
2   -3.431725025177002
3   -3.906290054321289
4   -4.018442153930664
5   -4.496425151824951

Notes on Map data

Graph map data

Sample: nirs_spcmap_051116.txt (NIRS Spectra)

#Name of Map data that the graph map data is associated
#Unit (or description) for the X-axis
#Unit (or description) for the Y-axis
#The Number of Polygons
#_ Values for the X-axis (1st column should be '_') ...
_ 2247.88 2224.32 2200.76 2177.20 ...
#Polygon_ID Values for the X-axis ...
1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ...
#Continue for all polygones ...
2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ...

Notes on Graph Map data

Data set structure

Minimum contents of the data set directory for AiGIS are as follows:

The Shapemodel directory is usually used to place shape models and gird data, but they can be placed outside this directory. Files in MapData and MapDataHigh directories are assumed and try to load as map data for the SHAPE and SHAPEHIGH models respectively.

If a data set have 3 or more shape models, these directories will be assessed to load map data for additional shape models:

Items in AiGIS_setting.txt

All items in AiGIS_setting.txt are described in KEY = VALUE style. Multiple VALUES may be assigned in the following format


If a data set have 3 or more shape models, the following KEYs can be used:

Keywords MAPDATA, MAPDATAHIGH, MAPDATADIR, MAPDATADIRHIGH and CHARTDATA can also be sequentially numbered for numbered shape models.

The numbered two models (e.g. SHAPE1 and SHAPEHIGH1) will be paired for the CHANGEMODEL function.



Please send your questions and comments to Naru Hirata ( or our group mail address (



AiGIS was originally developed as a research project by students at the University of Aizu.
The project is/was supported by:

Aizu Laboratory, Inc. supports development and maintenance of the software.