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HARMONICS (HAyabusa Remote MONItoring and Commanding System)

#Overview SPICE[1]準拠の小惑星探査機はやぶさ/はやぶさ2観測機器視野・探査機位置可視化ツール。 歴代の会津大学の学生らによって開発された。GUIライブラリをGTKからQtに換装した後のバージョンは、Ueno+(2017)[2]およびAoki+(2018)[3]で発表され、2017年度から採択された文科省宇宙航空科学技術推進委託費に補助された会津大学PBL「ベンチャー体験工房no.2: 宇宙リモートセンシングデータの利活用」[4]を経て、一般公開する。会津大学発ベンチャー「会津ラボ」[5]が協力している。 今回のversion 2.0は2005年当時の「はやぶさ」版相当をオープンソースとして公開する。今夏のはやぶさ2小惑星ランデブー[6]を念頭に、更に機能強化する予定である。 なお、version 1.0は、2005年当時の会津大学大学院生根本絵津子により開発された[7]。はやぶさ初号機の小惑星Itokawaランデブーにおいて、カメラサイエンスチームによる撮像タイミングの検討に使用され、世界第1級の成果を挙げることに貢献した[8]。また、撮像データとHARMONICS模擬データとを比較することで、会津大学で製作された小惑星形状モデル[9]の検証にも用いられた。

#Download *Open Source Materials You need to build development environment for using HARMONICS. Latest version (MacOS/Ubuntu16.04) ・ Download size ~180MB, required ~1.2GB Previous versions Required items; - macOS + Xcode - Qt Creator - Homebrew for installing libraries Please check procedures in #Documents/“Installation of HARMONICS” for Linux(Ubuntu) and VM on Windows (VirtualBox)] Please check procedures in #Documents/“Installation of HARMONICS”

#Release Notes 2018.3.19 HARMONICS 2.0.0 for the original Hayabusa has been released. 2018.5.19 HARMONICS 2.0.1 has been released.           Supporting SPICE N66           Verified by Qt5.10.1           Other minor bug fixes 2018.9.28 HARMONICS 2.1.0 has been released.           Data management for each project based on preferences.           Visualization of footprint-like observation area with FOV-fructus           Operation check on Linux(Ubuntu) and on VM(VirtualBox) over Windows.           Other minor bug fixes 2019.3.28 HARMONICS 2.2.0 has been released.           Image Mapping for Hayabusa/AMICA data           Built-in DB for the AMICA footprints           Other minor bug fixes

#Documents Installation of HARMONICS (macOS) Installation of HARMONICS (Linux) About HARMONICS

#Developers and advisors HARMONICS 1.0  OG of Univ. of Aizu   Etsuko Nemoto  Supervisors at that time   Noriaki Asada   Hirohide Demura   Members of AMICA Science Team, Hayabusa Project

HARMONICS 2.0 by Project-based Learning Course “Utilization of Remote Sensing Data”  OB of Univ. of Aizu   Wataru Ueno   Yuya Aoki   Shintaro Tsunoda  Coaches for development   Yukinori Yamaguchi (AY2018 First Semester, Aizu Laboratory, Inc.)   Misaki Ichikawa (AY2017 Second Semester, Aizu Laboratory, Inc.)  Students of HARMONICS developers group in AY2018 First Semester   Masashi Kumagai   Yuta Inoue   Yoshiya Matsukawa   Hiroshi Sakai   Akira Hikichi   Shota Sugie   Tomoya Tasaki  Teaching/Student Assistants in AY2018   Yuya Aoki   Kentaro Suko   Takashi Sonoke   Ryoya Ito  Students of HARMONICS developers group in AY2017   Yurika Iwabuchi   Shintaro Tsunoda   Tatsuro Kobayashi   Masashi Kumagai   Yunosuke Miyamoto   Yuta Inoue   Seiyu Majima   Mai Uchida   Kenshi Teshirogi   Yoshiyuki Saito  Teaching/Student Assistants in AY2017   Yuya Aoki   Kentaro Suko   Takashi Sonoke   Ryoya Ito  Supervisors/Advisors   Hirohide Demura   Naru Hirata   Members of Hayabusa2 Project


#License © 2018 The University of Aizu HARMONICS 2.0 is released under the GNU General Public License.

#Acknowledgements HARMONICS was originally developed as a research project by students at the University of Aizu. This has bee developed with a lot of advices from Hayabusa/Hayabusa2 members. Current HARMONICS project in ARC-Space is composed of students’ research and PBL courses, which are supported by “FY2017-19 Coordination Funds for Promoting AeroSpace Utilizaiton MEXT, Japan“. Aizu Laboratory, Inc. supports development and maintenance of the software. HARMONICS has been also supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15740278, 19204045, 25287114, 17K05639, and competitive research fund of Univ. of Aizu.

#References [1] SPICE Toolkit provided by NASA/JPL The Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility [2] Ueno+(2017) Trans. Japan Society for Aeronoutical and Space Sciences vol. 60, no. 3, pp.132 - 136 “HARMONICS: A Visualization tool for Hayabusa and Hayabusa2 missions” [3] Aoki+(2018) #1857, 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference “GUI retrieval of FOVs in HARMONICS for 2018 Rendezvous of Hayabusa2” [4] FY2017-19 Coordination Funds for Promoting AeroSpace Utilizaiton MEXT (in Japanese) Opened Facebook Page for PBL courses [5] Aizu Laboratory, Inc. [6] Hayabusa2 Schedule (in Japanese) [7] 2005/9/19 Press Release from Univ. of Aizu (in Japanese) [8] Saito+(2006) Science vol. 312, no.5778, pp. 1341-1344 “Detailed Images of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa from Hayabusa” [9] Demura+(2006) Science vol. 312, no. 5778, pp. 1347-1349 “Pole and Global Shape of 25143 Itokawa”

ja/harmonics/top.1582080690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/25 11:08 (external edit)