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Joint Research Programs

The Aizu Research Center for Space Informatics (ARC-Space) aims to promote research in the field of space informatics, which integrates space science and informatics, through industry-academia collaboration, and to provide the results to the academic community, thereby contributing to the vitalization of research in the field and to the advancement of its technological development. ARC-Space was certified as a joint usage/research center for Lunar and Planetary Exploration Archive Science, by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) in FY2019. As one of the major activities of ARC-Space, we will be offering

  • Joint Research Program
  • Joint Research Program with Invited International Researchers
  • Overseas Travel Grants

Joint Research Program, continues through FY2019, has two categories; Exploratory Research, which is for preliminary stage of R&D, and Practical Research, which is for full-scale R&D including collaboration with industry. We will be calling for themes that promote the lunar and planetary exploration archive science and contribute to the community through, among other things, enhancing the value of lunar and planetary exploration data, the development/maintenance of analysis tools, and the provision of services.

Joint Research Program with Invited International Researchers and Overseas Travel Grants, start in FY2022, promote a wide range of joint research with overseas researchers, we aim to further expand the scope of activities of the Center for Lunar and Planetary Exploration and Archive Science and contribute to the internationalization of the academic community.

Call for Proposal: FY2024 ARC-Space Joint Research Programs

jointresearch/top.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/05 08:18 by ARC-Space Administrative Office